All White Basket
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Give them a basket full of pure holiday joy! Gleaming white roses, lilies and carnations are delicately hand-arranged on a base of fresh and fragrant greens by our expert florists. For Christmas, Hanukkah or winter celebrations, it’s a gift sure to have everyone smiling bright.

Fresh basket arrangement of white roses, white carnations, white lilies, baby’s breath and variegated pittosporum
Large measures approximately 12"H x 12"L
Medium measures approximately 11"H x 11"L
Small measures approximately 10"H x 10"L
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so floral colors and varieties may vary

All White Basket



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Add a final touch to create an extraordinary gift.

Browse our add-on gift ideas to make it special.

Mylar Balloons
Mylar Balloons
Boxed Chocolate
Boxed Chocolate
Gift Certificate
Gift Certificate
Stuffed Animal
Stuffed Animal

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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA